30 de mayo de 2013

SwiftKey hits version 4.1.1 with important bug fixes


A few important fixes just a couple short weeks after a big 4.1 release

Shortly after releasing version 4.1 of its keyboard that brought new themes and improvements, the bump to 4.1.1 today brings a few important fixes. First up, those of you with Samsung devices using the stock email app will now have proper text input, without a cursor that jumps around in the paragraph you're typing. Also an important fix, the keyboard will no longer have an unusable "execute" button while typing in the new Google Hangouts app. Additionally, two crashes related to personalization features and using the "Pitch" theme on older Android 2.1 devices have been fixed.

There's no doubt many of you out there are using SwiftKey daily on your devices, so head to the Play Store and grab your update for these important fixes.

More: SwiftKey Blog

from Android Central - Android Central 

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