13 de diciembre de 2012

Ubuntu One updated with fancy Photos tab (Web interface)

While embracing the IT world, one searches through, asks, learns about, inquires into matters that are important (to one's daily workflow, job, school, etc), usually followed by discovering operating systems, some of them rooted into specific features, abilities, skills, etc, while other OSes translating the computer-related metaphor into a full complete language.
Along with the polished Unity, useful indicators, reliable Ubuntu Software Center, etc, Ubuntu comes with Ubuntu One, a free (in a size-based limit) filled-with-functionalities application that plunges the user into a sync-enabled world, being usable on both desktop and across the internets.
The developers have just updated Ubuntu One (its Web interface) with long-awaited exciting features, transforming the U1 dashboard into an enjoyable, intuitive and user-friendly experience, pairing its functionalities with an up-to-date modern look & feel.
Photos is a newly implemented feature, clicking on it, exposes the user's pictures with big-sized readable thumbnails, presenting itself as a fancy manner of dealing with stored images.
A definitely interesting aspect of Photos is its desktop-like approach, meaning, clicking on a picture, opens it in a pleasant-to-the-eye simplistic-yet-effective interface, where details (title, addition date) and handy controls are located.

Navigating to the next image is as simple as clicking on the white-on-black navigation icons, yet, hovering the mouse pointer over an image, displays a Play slideshow button (clicking on it, renders the pictures via a slideshow).
Sharing a singular photo has been considered by the developers, navigating to the bottom-right area, allows the user (by hitting the Photo options button) to Share photo on Facebook, Share photo on Twitter, Share link to photo, essentially, a 1-click away manner of sharing photos.

Furthermore, the new Photos addition brings the ability to share albums, action available via the top-right Album options (under the main Photos view), where, along with sharing capabilities, the user is able to sort pictures by date and name.
Worth mentioning

"To celebrate this update we are asking users to tweet snaps of their holiday decorations using the Ubuntu One share URL and by including the hashtag #UbuntuOne, we’ll then pick our 20 favourites photos and the winners will get 5GB extra free storage in the new year. Should #UbuntuOne trend during that time we’ll increase the winners storage amount to 20GB!"

from Iloveubuntu: Ubuntu blog 

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